Overcome Design Pitfalls

Sure, you want your website to be engaging, but do you know when to draw the line when it comes to adding flair to your design? All too often, websites incorporate animation, abundant images, and music to “entertain” visitors, but the truth is that they’re actually distracting if not flat-out annoying. I mean, how many ...

What Your Website Needs to Succeed

No matter what type of organization you run, having a website for it is essential in this virtual age. Today’s consumer is “plugged in,” retrieving all kinds of information online and depending less and less on human interaction when it comes to making purchases or interacting with a brand. As a virtual storefront, a website ...

Why You Should Optimize Your Site Across Different Browsers

It’s been a long time since Microsoft defeated Netscape in the Great Browser War of the Late 90′s. Since then, different web browsers have bloomed like wildflowers along the content-rich information superhighway. So why are you still hailing IE as the reigning champ? There’s more to the world wide web than Internet Explorer and if you ...

The Crucial Element of Web Design

Web design involves more than making a site look good; it involves making a site engaging. Therefore, finding the perfect balance between style and function is crucial when establishing your online presence. Ultimately, you have a specific goal in mind when visitors find your little slice of the web, so it’s in your best interest ...

How Are YOU Using Social Media?

Whether or not you fully understand their functionality or effectiveness, you know the heavy-hitters of social media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn. How do organizations use these platforms to elevate brand awareness? Through an integrated online presence, of course! But what does that even mean? The answer is much simpler than that high and mighty sentence ...

Is Your Website Formatted for Profitability?

The days of sitting in front of a desktop are all but obsolete. Today’s web user is constantly on the go, and with updated technology in hand, even the once-convenient laptop has gone by the wayside. Ready access to advanced smart phones and tablets has consumers engaging newer formats to find information and make purchases ...

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We all make mistakes when we start as a #smallbusiness, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be solved. top-7-web-design-mistakes-small-businesses-make